Disclosures related to Regulation 2019/2088 – SFDR
The EU Financial Services Sustainability Disclosure Regulation (the so-called SFDR) also applies to the Santander Bank Polska Group. Accordingly, Santander TFI S.A., as a financial market participant within the meaning of the SFDR, complies with the disclosure obligations set out in Articles 3 – 5 of this legislation, which include:
- Information on strategies for integrating sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process (Article 3 of the SFDR)
- Information on due diligence strategies in relation to the effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors (Article 4 of the SFDR)
- Information on how to ensure that remuneration policies are consistent with the introduction of sustainability risks into the business (Article 5 of the SFDR)

Current disclosures related to the SFDR are available on the Santander TFI website: https://www.santander.pl/en/tfi/about-us/responsible-business.