Green finance
- GRI:
Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)3-3Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)
Activities, value chain and other business relationships2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationships
Main pro-environmental products and services offered to customers, including offerings that influence climate change solutionsCustom indicatorMain pro-environmental products and services offered to customers, including offerings that influence climate change solutions
Topic from the Materiality Matrix: Green finance
In line with the strategic commitment expressed by the Green Bank topic from the Materiality Matrix, we integrate environmental factors into the products and services we offer and ESG criteria into our credit analysis. We offer sustainable financial products.
Our sustainable finance services are provided to a diverse range of customers, including those in the industries with the greatest impact on climate, namely energy, fuel and industry. The increase in customer awareness observed in recent years has been accompanied by a growing interest in this type of financing in other sectors.
Below are the documents on green finance in Santander Bank Polska S.A.:
Responsible Banking Strategy,
Sustainability Policy,
Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy,
Financing policies for sensitive sectors,
Policy for Engagement in Listed Companies and Application of Corporate Governance Measures” (Santander TFI S.A.).
Global Net Zero Strategy,
Global Framework Policy for Sustainable Bonds,
Green Bond Framework Policy.
As part of green financing we offer:
- loans for sustainable investments, including RES,
- loans linked to the Sustainable Development Goals,
- green bonds and sustainability bonds,
- sustainability-linked bonds,
- advice on sustainable funding opportunities,
- financial advice in the area of ESG,
- SolarLease financing for photovoltaic installations
- leasing of electric vehicles
- leasing of zero-emission heat sources, energy storage and electric vehicle charging stations.
In 2022, for selected customer segments (largest customers, mortgage and leasing customers), Santander Bank Polska S.A. implemented the Sustainable Finance Classification System, which defines the technical criteria that green and general-purpose finance must meet in order to be called green or socially sustainable. This system is based on internationally recognised industry guidelines and principles, such as the ICMA Social and Green Bond Principles, the Climate Bond Standards and the EU Taxonomy. The bank targets green financing in line with the Classification System. In 2022, we provided green financing of EUR 566.4 million, thus meeting our EUR 400 million responsible banking target.
Our dedicated products:
A cash loan that makes it possible to finance customers’ green needs. The reimbursement of the fee for the purchase of green products encourages borrowers to, among other things, modernise heat sources, replace lighting, build domestic water treatment plants or install equipment using biomass. With this loan, it is also possible to finance the purchase of energy-efficient household appliances as well as electric cars and bicycles.
Simplified application rules for photovoltaic financing offered by Santander Leasing. The financing period can be up to 10 years with the transaction secured by a BGK guarantee. In 2022, we also launched electric vehicle leasing financing from the government’s 'My Electric Vehicle’ programme.
Payment cards that consist of 85% recycled plastic. By using recycled material in their production, the carbon footprint was reduced by up to 75%.
- In Q1 2022, we issued the first card made of biodegradable plastic.
According to the Santander Group’s plan, by 2025 all debit, credit and pre-paid cards in Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK will be produced from sustainable materials, such as recycled PVC or corn-based materials.