Partnerships and sustainability commitments
- GRI:
Membership of associations2-28Membership of associations
We are involved in the work of associations, foundations and in initiatives that promote responsible practices. Below is a selection of initiatives in which we participated as a bank in 2022:
Social and ethics initiatives in the financial sector:
- Declaration of Responsible Selling,
- Business and Human Rights program of the UN Global Compact Network Poland
In addition, within the framework of cooperation with the Association of Polish Banks, the Bank’s representatives are involved in the work of, among others:
- Consumer Credit Committee
- Payment Services Council
- Banking Technology Forum
The Bank is also a signatory to:
- Code of Banking Ethics,
- Declaration of banks on the plain language standard
Environmental initiatives:
- UNEP Finance Principles for Responsible Banking,
- Equator Principles,
- Climate Positive Program of UN Global Compact Network Poland,
- Polish Plastics Pact,
- Green Ribbon #forthePlanet campaign,
- Re:Generation Program
- Green Transformation Council of the Lewiatan Confederation,
- 5 Fractions Coalition.
Initiatives for the SDGs in Poland:
- Partnership for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Poland,
- Declaration of Polish businesses for sustainable development under the project Sustainable Development Vision for Polish Business 2050.
In addition, Santander Leasing S.A. is a member of the Polish Leasing Association and the Polish Alternative Fuels Association and Santander TFI S.A. is a member of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers.

We described the goals of each initiative in our previous ESG reports for 2020 and 2021.
Both documents are available at esg.santander.pl. In 2022, we continued to work
with the same associations and partnerships as last year, and they are listed in the 2021 report.