Corporate volunteering
- GRI:
Total amount allocated to community engagement activitiesCustom indicatorTotal amount allocated to community engagement activities
Scale of employee volunteeringCustom indicatorScale of employee volunteering
Number of beneficiaries of corporate volunteering activities/yearCustom indicatorNumber of beneficiaries of corporate volunteering activities/year
Since 2010, the Santander Foundation has been developing corporate volunteering which takes three different forms:
- time volunteering,
- competence volunteering,
- economic education.

For more information go to https://fundacja.santander.pl/wolontariat-pracowniczy/.
Corporate volunteering in numbers in 2022
Number of completed corporate volunteering projects: 210
Number of people helped under corporate volunteering activities: 11,430
Number of employee volunteers: 1,972
Amount of money allocated by the Santander Foundation for corporate volunteering: PLN 104,249.70