Occupational health and safety
- GRI:
Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation
Occupational health and safety training403-5Occupational health and safety training
Health promotion403-6Health promotion
Type and rate of work-related injuries403-9Type and rate of work-related injuries
- GPW:
Occupational health and safetyS-S1Occupational health and safety
We provide a safe workplace. We have Social Labour Inspectors and an Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The work environment is monitored by the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Office, which conducts regular audits and risk assessments of individual jobs. Considerations include factors affecting physical safety, ergonomics at work, as well as psychological risks and hazards associated with working from home, for example. When updating risk assessments, experts take into account information on previous accidents. We consult with employees and trade unions. In special situations, we set up a crisis management team.
Occupational risk assessment process:
The performance of the OHS management system is regularly reviewed and improved at Santander Bank Polska. The knowledge of specialists from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Office is updated during training courses, conferences and industry meetings.
All employees of the bank undergo training in occupational health and safety. Its scope and frequency is determined by legal requirements, changing external circumstances and needs reported by employees. Information on risky situations is reported to the manager and employees of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Office directly, by email to the dedicated functional mailbox or by telephone. In addition, an online Our Health form is available to all employees for reporting the cases of coronavirus infection. The effectiveness of our health and safety training is regularly verified through health and safety audits, interviews with employees, analyses of accident incidents and post-training surveys.
In addition, we have implemented Business Continuity Plans throughout our organization, which consist of procedures and information to ensure business continuity in the event of an emergency, as well as the restoration of critical processes in the shortest possible time to maintain an acceptable range of Group operations.
How we took care of the health of our employees in 2022:
- Each of our contracted employees working under an employment contract can benefit from free private medical care – both in clinics and through remote consultations and home visits. We provide access to doctors and specialists, as well as vaccinations. Family members of employees can enjoy private health care at a preferential rate.
- We take care of employees’ health through preventive measures. In 2022, we prepared mobile points with dermatological and trichological examinations in 4 locations. We carried out health-promoting campaigns (e.g. Take care of yourself and your health – sign up for cytology.).
- We combine care for physical health with care for the mental health. During the pandemic, we launched a hotline offering consultations with a psychologist in the form of a chat, video chat or phone call, while maintaining full confidentiality. In addition, as part of Medicover coverage, our employees can take advantage of six free consultations with specialists (psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) during each contract year. As of January 2023, we also offer crisis support in the form of five free online consultations with specialists. In addition, we have also provided expert webinars and articles on depression and burnout.
- Information on all health-related programs is regularly published in newsletters. The range of health care services is also available on the intranet, and access to services and programs is facilitated by a specially hired coordinator.
In 2022, we recorded no serious or fatal accidents at Santander Bank Polska. The most common work-related injuries included ankle and knee sprains, head injuries and cervical injuries. At Santander Bank Poland, work-related hazards that can create risks of serious consequences include bank robbery, traffic accident, fire, terrorist attack and electric shock. In 2022, none of these risks resulted in serious injuries among our employees. We do not collect information on accidents or injuries to non-employee workers.