1920 children trained

Key activities of the Santander Foundation

The Santander Foundation was established in 1997. In its 25 years of operation, it has initiated and carried out most of the bank’s social engagement programs. The Foundation’s tasks include:
- concern for ecology,
- supporting the development of local communities,
- supporting children and young people,
- developing knowledge of safe banking.
Scholarship program
Since 2018, the Santander Foundation has been running a scholarship program to support children and young people with special talents. The most gifted students in grades 7 and 8 of primary schools and high schools receive an annual scholarship in the amount of PLN 5,000.
This scholarship is a reward for academic performance and is a motivation for further work and achieving even better results.
Medal-Winning Refrigerator
The Medal-Winning Refrigerator project, of which the Santander Foundation is a partner, is a response to the phenomenon of food waste and an attempt to counteract its impact on the climate. Volunteers of the Foundation visit schools throughout Poland and hold workshops on sound food management for children from 7 to 14 years of age.
90 classes held

For more information on the project go to: https://fundacja.santander.pl/lodowka-na-medal/.
Independent and Safe Seniors on the Web
Seniors are a group particularly vulnerable to attacks by online fraudsters. To meet the needs of the elderly, the Santander Foundation is organizing a series of workshops on safe use of the Internet and electronic banking services. The classes are conducted throughout Poland by Foundation volunteers and police officers.